Saturday, January 9, 2010

Thin in 2010!

I didn't coin the phrase, but it' cool!
Hope everyone had a nice Christmas and that 2010 is getting off to a good start for you. I guess most of us are struggling to stay warm.
I spent Christmas with sister Anne, family, and my Dad in Lexington. Had a quiet New Year.

Exciting news! I requested and it was approved for me to go 80% time, so most of the time I will be taking Fridays off - first one was last week.
Still looking for [the next] "Mr. Right"

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Well, I am now the proud grandmother of two grandsons. William Alexander - to be 3 in October, and Blake Matthew born August 27th. There is absolutely no doubt these two are brothers - they look so much alike.
I'll send you a link to view some pictures as soon as I figure out how!!!!!
Hopefully back soon with an updated post.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Getting ready for Kansas City again

Obviously I am not the best blogger that ever hit blogspot! One of these days I'll get the hang of it.
Two big news items for me - Emily is about to have another baby Aug 27th - Blake Matthew ;>). I'll be going to Kansas City soon.

My other big news is presence on I've met several really nice men but My Prince Charming has not come by yet. For anyone interested, Match has by far been the most successful for me. I also tried e-Harmony. is free, and it's pretty good too. One I would NOT recommend is Together. If they come after you - do NOT make an appointment with them.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Kentucy Woman goes to Kansas City

Well, after a year's hiatus from blogging, I had a lesson on how to make a come back - and "Now, I'm back"!
I arrived here in Kansas City last night from Louisville - Yes, still living there ;>)

Tomorrow is Will the Pill's 2nd year B-day party (he'll be two on Tuesday! Stacey, Emily and I have been making a cake, cookies and cupcakes. We had to make mutant cookies, as they became quite disfigured removing from the pan. Then we proceeded to ice them with this gooey stuff passing itself off as icing. Wonder if anyone will actually eat them tomorrow????

Hope to hear about your exciting life. - - -
I'll be checking in on your blog now.
bye for now,
Kentucky Woman